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Substitution Editor

A Java program for creating and editing rhombic substitution tilings

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A substitution tiling with sevenfold rotation symmetry

Substitution Editor is a Java program that allows the user to create rhombic substitutions tilings. It is based on this paper in Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science.

The tiles are rhombs with angles that are integer multiples of 180/N degrees, where N is an odd number (the selectable values of which are 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13). There are (N - 1)/2 such rhombs, and it is possible to arrange N copies of the one with angles (2,N-2,2,N-2) to form an N-pointed star. For some inflation factors, it is possible to find substitutions in which these N-pointed stars actually appear.

Substitution Editor is an open-source project, and the code can be downloaded from the Substitution Editor github repository.

Here is a link to the Javadoc.

Here is a link to the user manual.

Substitution Editor can be run from this executable .jar file.