A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z 


actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class RhombDisplay
Print a gap-readable version of the underlying data structure if the print button is pressed.
add(Yarn) - Method in class Yarn
Add a Yarn to the end of the list of Yarns that this one crosses.
add(Join) - Method in class Yarn
Add a Join to the end of the list of Joins.
add(Yarn, Join) - Method in class Yarn
Add a Yarn at the end of the list of Yarns and a Join at the end of the list of Joins.
addAdjacent(SimpleRhomb, int, boolean) - Method in class SimpleRhomb
Add another SimpleRhomb to the adjacency list.
addFirst(Yarn) - Method in class Yarn
Add a Yarn to the beginning of the list of Yarns that this one crosses.
addFirst(Join) - Method in class Yarn
Add a Join to the beginning of the list of Joins.
addLast(Yarn) - Method in class Yarn
Add a Yarn to the end of the list of Yarns that this one crosses.
addLast(Join) - Method in class Yarn
Add a Join to the end of the list of Joins.
adjacencyString() - Method in class SimpleRhomb
String representation of this, including all the rhombs to which it's adjacent.
adjacent - Variable in class SimpleRhomb
The rhombs that share edges in common with this one.
afterExecute(Runnable, Throwable) - Method in class GeneralThreadService.CustomThreadPoolExecutor
allValid(int[], boolean, List<List<Integer>>, int[], int[]) - Static method in class RhombBoundary
Check all permutations of an input list for compatibility with all rhombs.
allValid(int[], boolean, List<List<Integer>>) - Static method in class RhombBoundary
Check all permutations of an input list for compatibility with all rhombs.
allValid(int[], boolean) - Static method in class RhombBoundary
Check all permutations of an input list for compatibility with all rhombs.
angle - Variable in class SimpleRhomb
antialiasing - Static variable in class PatchDisplay
Toggle graphics antialiasing.
antialiasing - Variable in class SubstitutionEditorSaveState
A variable telling us if the PatchDisplay of the SubstitutionEditor was set to use antialiasing to draw itself.


base(int) - Method in class RhombBoundary
Find the base of the rhomb at the boundary subedge with this index.
BATCH_SIZE - Static variable in class RhombBoundary
Number of permutations we create before stopping to output interim results.
beforeExecute(Thread, Runnable) - Method in class GeneralThreadService.CustomThreadPoolExecutor
boundaryString() - Method in class RhombBoundary
Output the angles in termini in reverse order, replacing 2*Point.N() with 0.
boundingBox() - Method in class PatchDisplay
Produce a String representation of the bounding box of this display for use in creating Postscript output.
BUTTON_HEIGHT - Static variable in class Launcher
The height of the buttons in this window.


call() - Method in interface WorkUnit
The Result that you get when you call this work unit.
ccwStart(Yarn) - Method in class Yarn
Move counterclockwise through the Termini, starting with the start of this.
changeColour(int, Color) - Static method in class ColourPalette
Change the i-th colour in the list.
changeComboBox() - Method in class Launcher
Change the edge sequence editor/selector that is currently showing to reflect the current value of Point.N().
click(List<Hex>) - Method in class RhombDisplay
Call this method whenever a Hex is clicked on.
collapse() - Method in class Join
Remove this Join.
collapse() - Method in interface Rhomb
Remove this Rhomb.
collapse(Rhomb) - Method in class RhombBoundary
Remove the rhomb represented by j, if it is on the edge.
collapse() - Method in class SimpleRhomb
Remove this SimpleRhomb.
collapse(Join) - Method in class Yarn
Remove a Join from the list of Joins on this Yarn.
colour(int) - Static method in class ColourPalette
Get the i-th colour in the list.
ColourPalette - Class in <Unnamed>
ColourPalette() - Constructor for class ColourPalette
colours - Variable in class SubstitutionEditorSaveState
The colour scheme to which ColourPalette was set when the SubstitutionEditor was saved.
commonEdge(SimpleRhomb) - Method in class SimpleRhomb
Find the edge direction vector that this and another rhomb have in common.
compareTo(Yarn) - Method in class Yarn
Compare to another Yarn on the basis of the start and end indices of their Termini.
consecutive(Yarn, Yarn) - Method in class Yarn
Check to see if this hits two other Yarns in a row.
contains(Rhomb) - Method in interface Hex
Determine if this contains a given Rhomb.
contains(Rhomb) - Method in class SimpleHex
Determine if this contains a given Rhomb.
contains(Rhomb) - Method in class Triple
Determine if this contains a given Rhomb.
contains(Yarn) - Method in class Triple
Determine if this contains a given Yarn.
contains(Yarn, Yarn) - Method in class Triple
Determine if this contains a given pair of Yarns (order doesn't matter).
copy() - Static method in class ColourPalette
Copy the current colour palette.
createJoin(Point, Yarn, Yarn) - Static method in class Join
Public static factory method.
createMultiSetLinkedList(List<Integer>) - Static method in class MultiSetLinkedList
Public static factory method.
createMultiSetLinkedList(Integer[]) - Static method in class MultiSetLinkedList
Public static factory method.
createMultiSetLinkedList(int[]) - Static method in class MultiSetLinkedList
Public static factory method.
createPoint(int) - Static method in class Point
Public static factory method.
createPrototile(int) - Static method in class RhombBoundary
Public static factory method.
createRhombBoundary(int, int[]) - Static method in class RhombBoundary
Public static factory method.
createRhombBoundary(int, int[], int[]) - Static method in class RhombBoundary
Public static factory method.
createRhombBoundary(int, int[], int[], boolean) - Static method in class RhombBoundary
Public static factory method.
createSimpleHex(List<Rhomb>, List<Rhomb>) - Method in interface Hex
Create a simplified version of this.
createSimpleHex(List<Rhomb>, List<Rhomb>) - Method in class SimpleHex
Simplification method.
createSimpleHex(List<Rhomb>, List<Rhomb>) - Method in class Triple
Pass in a list of Joins that contains the three Joins in this Triple.
createSimpleRhomb() - Method in class Join
Produce a SimpleRhomb representation of the same rhomb.
createSimpleRhomb() - Method in interface Rhomb
Produce a lightweight version of this.
createSimpleRhomb(Point, Point, Point, int, int) - Static method in class SimpleRhomb
Public static factory method.
createSimpleRhomb() - Method in class SimpleRhomb
This already is a SimpleRhomb, so return this.
createStarBoundary(int[]) - Static method in class RhombBoundary
Public static factory method.
createSubstitutionEditor(int[], int) - Static method in class SubstitutionEditor
Static factory method.
createSubstitutionEditor(int[]) - Static method in class SubstitutionEditor
Static factory method, default maximum number of substitutions (2).
createSymmetricRhombBoundary(int, int[]) - Static method in class RhombBoundary
Public static factory method.
createTerminus(int, int) - Static method in class Terminus
Public static factory method
createTriangleBoundary(int[], int[], int[], int[]) - Static method in class RhombBoundary
Public static factory method.
createTriple(Yarn, Yarn, Yarn) - Static method in class Triple
Public static factory method.
createTriple(Yarn[]) - Static method in class Triple
Public static factory method.
createYarn(Terminus, Terminus) - Static method in class Yarn
Public static factory method.
cross() - Method in class Yarn
crossCount() - Method in class Yarn
crosses(Yarn) - Method in class Yarn
Check if this crosses a particular Yarn.
crossRatio(Yarn) - Method in class Yarn
Compute the sign of the cross ratio between this and another Yarn.
crossString() - Method in class Yarn
A String listing all Yarns this crosses.


deepCopy() - Method in class MultiSetLinkedList
Make a deep copy of this.
displayList(List<RhombBoundary>, int, int) - Static method in class RhombDisplay
Take a List of RhombBoundaries and return a List of the corresponding RhombDisplays, all given the same scale, which is chosen in such a way as to make each one fit in a pane of the given dimensions.
doubleOverlap(SimpleHex) - Method in class SimpleHex
Determine if this contains a SimpleRhomb in common with another SimpleHex.
doubleOverlap(Triple) - Method in class Triple
Determine if this contains two Yarns in common with another Triple.
dump() - Method in class SubstitutionEditor
Utility method for saving.


edge - Variable in class SubstitutionEditorSaveState
The edge sequence of the substitution.
equals(Object) - Method in class Join
Two Joins are equal if they represent the intersection of the same two Yarns.
equals(Object) - Method in class MultiSetLinkedList
equals(Object) - Method in class Point
Two Points are equal if they are of the same length and have the same entries in each position.
equals(Object) - Method in class RhombBoundary
Currently broken.
equals(Object) - Method in class SimpleHex
Two SimpleHexes are equal if they contain the same three SimpleRhombs.
equals(Object) - Method in class SimpleRhomb
Two SimpleRhombs are equal if they have the same type, the same angle, and the same corner.
equals(Object) - Method in class Terminus
Two Termini are equal if they have the same indices and angles.
equals(Object) - Method in class Triple
Two Triples are equal if they contain the same three Yarns.


FileManager - Class in <Unnamed>
A class for writing, saving, and loading files of various types.
firstJoin() - Method in class Yarn
Getter method.
flip() - Method in interface Hex
Flip the Rhombs in this Hex.
flip() - Method in class SimpleHex
Flip the Rhombs in this SimpleHex.
flip(SimpleRhomb[], boolean[]) - Static method in class SimpleRhomb
Flip the positions of the given three rhombs.
flip() - Method in class Triple
Flip the Yarns in this Triple.
flipTriple(Hex) - Method in class RhombBoundary
Flip one of the Triples.
flushButtons(List<Hex>) - Method in class RhombDisplay
Refresh the list of buttons that can be clicked in this.


gapString() - Method in class Join
String representation for gap.
gapString(int[]) - Static method in class Point
Output a gap-readable String representing an inflation matrix.
gapString() - Static method in class Point
Output a gap-readable String representing a rotation matrix.
gapString() - Method in interface Rhomb
String representation for gap.
gapString() - Method in class RhombBoundary
Output a list of subrhombs in gap-readable format.
gapString(int[], int[], boolean, String) - Static method in class RhombBoundary
Output a gap file with a full complement of substitutions rules.
gapString(int[], String[], String) - Static method in class RhombBoundary
Output a gap file with a full complement of substitutions rules.
gapString(int[], String) - Static method in class RhombBoundary
Output a gap file with a full complement of substitutions rules.
gapString() - Method in class SimpleRhomb
String representation for gap.
GeneralThreadService - Class in <Unnamed>
A class for managing multiple threads.
GeneralThreadService.CustomThreadPoolExecutor - Class in <Unnamed>
GeneralThreadService.CustomThreadPoolExecutor(int, int, long, TimeUnit, ArrayBlockingQueue<Runnable>, ThreadFactory, RejectedExecutionHandler) - Constructor for class GeneralThreadService.CustomThreadPoolExecutor
GeneralThreadService.WorkerThread - Class in <Unnamed>
The subclasses of Thread that will do the calculations.
GeneralThreadService.WorkerThread(Runnable, String) - Constructor for class GeneralThreadService.WorkerThread
getAngle() - Method in class Join
Getter method.
getAngle() - Method in interface Rhomb
Return an integer indicating the angle of the rhomb.
getAngle() - Method in class SimpleRhomb
Getter method.
getAngle() - Method in class Terminus
A getter method.
getArray() - Method in class MultiSetLinkedList
Produce an array version of the current permutation.
getBoundary() - Method in class RhombDisplay
Get the underlying data structure for this patch.
getChar(int) - Static method in class FileManager
Get the character at position n in the alphabet.
getCross() - Method in class Yarn
Getter method.
getEdgeRhombs() - Method in class RhombBoundary
Getter method.
getEndAngle() - Method in class Yarn
Getter method.
getEndIndex() - Method in class Yarn
Getter method.
getExecutor() - Method in class GeneralThreadService
getHeight() - Method in class RhombDisplay
Get the height of this.
getHex() - Method in interface Hex
Getter method.
getHex() - Method in class SimpleHex
Getter method.
getHex() - Method in class Triple
Getter method.
getIndex() - Method in class Terminus
A getter method.
getJoins() - Method in interface Hex
Getter method.
getJoins() - Method in class RhombBoundary
Getter method.
getJoins() - Method in class SimpleHex
Getter method.
getJoins() - Method in class Triple
Getter method.
getOpposite() - Method in class Yarn
Getter method.
getPatch() - Method in class PatchDisplay
Return a List of SimpleRhombs that appear in this.
getPatch() - Method in class SubstitutionEditor
Return the SimpleRhombs that are showing in the window.
getPoint() - Method in class Join
Getter method.
getPoint() - Method in interface Rhomb
Getter method.
getPoint() - Method in class SimpleRhomb
Getter method.
getPoint2D() - Method in class Point
Output this Point as a Point2D.
getPreferredSize() - Method in class RhombDisplay
getRhomb() - Method in class Join
Getter method.
getRhomb() - Method in interface Rhomb
Getter method.
getRhomb() - Method in class SimpleRhomb
Getter method.
getRotation() - Method in class PatchDisplay
Get the rotation that is applied to all tiles to make them fit in the window.
getScale() - Method in class Join
Get the scale for drawing.
getScale() - Method in interface Rhomb
Get the scale for drawing.
getScale() - Method in class SimpleRhomb
Get the scale for drawing the Rhomb.
getSelected() - Method in class RhombColorChooser
Get the index of the colour currently being edited.
getStartAngle() - Method in class Yarn
Getter method.
getStartIndex() - Method in class Yarn
Getter method.
getSupertiles() - Method in class PatchDisplay
Return a List of SimpleRhombs that are supertiles in this.
getTriples() - Method in class RhombBoundary
Getter method.
getType() - Method in class Join
Getter method.
getType() - Method in interface Rhomb
Return an integer indicating the congruence class of rhomb.
getType() - Method in class SimpleRhomb
Getter method.
getV1() - Method in class Join
Getter method.
getV2() - Method in class Join
Getter method.
getVert() - Method in class SimpleRhomb
Getter method.
getVertices() - Method in class Join
Getter method.
getWidth() - Method in class RhombDisplay
Get the width of this.
getXMin() - Method in class RhombDisplay
Get the minimum x-coordinate of any rhomb in this.
getY1() - Method in class Join
Getter method.
getY2() - Method in class Join
Getter method.
getYarns() - Method in class Triple
Getter method.
getYMin() - Method in class RhombDisplay
Get the minimum y-coordinate of any rhomb in this.


hashCode() - Method in class Join
Use the sum of the hasCodes of the two Yarns.
hashCode() - Method in class MultiSetLinkedList
hashCode() - Method in class Point
Currently broken.
hashCode() - Method in class RhombBoundary
Currently broken.
hashCode() - Method in class SimpleRhomb
Use the corner, the type, and the angle.
hashCode() - Method in class Terminus
hashCode override.
HEIGHT - Static variable in class Launcher
The height of this window.
HEIGHT - Static variable in class SubstitutionEditor
The height of this window.
HEIGHT_BUFFER - Static variable in class RhombDisplay
Extra space added at the top and bottom of a patch when determining the window size.
Hex - Interface in <Unnamed>
A triple of Rhombs, any two of which have a common edge.
hits(Yarn, Yarn) - Method in class Yarn
Check to see if this hits two other Yarns in a row.


inflation(int[]) - Static method in class Point
Produce an inflation matrix (i.e., a sequence of Point.N()-1 Points) corresponding to a given edge sequence.
INSTANCE - Static variable in class GeneralThreadService
The unique instance of this class.
iterate() - Method in class MultiSetLinkedList
Change to the next permutation in cool-lex order.


j - Variable in class Triple
The three Joins.
JOB_CAPACITY - Static variable in class GeneralThreadService
How many jobs can wait in the queue at a time?
JOB_COMPLETE - Static variable in interface Result
JOB_FAILED - Static variable in interface Result
JOB_INTERRUPTED - Static variable in interface Result
JOB_UNAVAILABLE - Static variable in interface Result
Join - Class in <Unnamed>
A class representing the intersection of two Yarns (pseudolines).
Join(Point, Yarn, Yarn) - Constructor for class Join
Public constructor.
joins() - Method in class Yarn
joinWith(Yarn) - Method in class Yarn
Assuming that this crosses a given Yarn, return the corresponding Join.


lastJoin() - Method in class Yarn
Getter method.
Launcher - Class in <Unnamed>
Launcher() - Constructor for class Launcher
Create and display a Launcher.
loadRhombBoundary(String) - Static method in class FileManager
Load a RhombBoundary from the file with the given name.
loadSubstitutionEditor(String) - Static method in class FileManager
Load a SubstitutionEditorSaveState from the file with the given name.
loadSubstitutionEditor(String) - Static method in class SubstitutionEditor
Create a new SubstitutionEditor from a saved state.


main(String[]) - Static method in class FileManager
For testing.
main(String[]) - Static method in class Launcher
Start the program!
main(String[]) - Static method in class Point
For testing.
main(String[]) - Static method in class RhombBoundary
For testing.
matrixString() - Method in class Point
Output a String consisting of the coefficients of the Point in a comma-separated list with no brackets.
matrixString(int[]) - Static method in class Point
Same as Point.gapString(int[]), but with row breaks indicated by new lines instead of square brackets.
matrixString(int[][]) - Static method in class RhombBoundary
Convert a two-dimensional array of ints to a String.
maxSubstitutions - Variable in class SubstitutionEditorSaveState
The maximum number of substitutions that were allowed with this SubstitutionEditor.
minus(Point) - Method in class Point
Subtract another point from this one and return the result.
multiply(Point[]) - Method in class Point
View the given array of Points as a matrix, and multiply this Point by it.
MultiSetLinkedList - Class in <Unnamed>
A class for iterating through the permutations of a multiset without repetition.


N() - Static method in class Point
Get the order of symmetry.
newTriples() - Method in class Triple
Suppose this Triple has just been flipped.
nextYarn(Yarn, Yarn) - Method in class Yarn
Assume that y1 and y2 intersect this consecutively.
NUMBER_OF_THREADS - Variable in class GeneralThreadService
The number of threads available for use on this machine.
numTriples() - Method in class RhombBoundary
How many Triples are there?


onEdge() - Method in class Join
Determine if this Join is on the edge of a pseudoline arrangement.
onEdge() - Method in interface Rhomb
Determine if this Rhomb is on the edge of the patch.
onEdge() - Method in class SimpleRhomb
Determine if this SimpleRhomb is on the edge of a pseudoline arrangement.
open(SubstitutionEditor) - Static method in class SubstitutionEditor
Static method for producing a pop-up prompt to open a saved SubstitutionEditor.
order() - Static method in class Point
Output a String describing the order of symmetry.
outline(Point[], int[]) - Method in class SimpleRhomb
Return a SimlePolygon2D representing the inflation of this rhomb by the given factor, with edges distorted according to the given edge sequence.


p - Variable in class SimpleRhomb
For plotting in the plane.
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class PatchDisplay
Draw the contents of this patch.
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class RhombDisplay
Draw this.
PatchDisplay - Class in <Unnamed>
A class for displaying a collection of SimpleRhombs.
PatchDisplay(List<SimpleRhomb>, List<RhombBoundary>, int, Point[], int[], int, int) - Constructor for class PatchDisplay
plus(Point) - Method in class Point
Add another point to this one and return the result.
Point - Class in <Unnamed>
Represents a point in the module generated by the nth roots of unity in the complex plane.
postscriptDump(String, PatchDisplay) - Static method in class FileManager
Write a patch to a postscript file.
postscriptHeader(String, String) - Static method in class FileManager
Write a header for a postscript file to the given file.
postscriptString() - Method in class Join
String representation for Postscript.
postscriptString() - Method in class Point
Output a String consisting of the coefficients of the Point in a space-separated list.
postscriptString() - Method in interface Rhomb
String representation for postscript.
postscriptString(String) - Method in class RhombBoundary
Write all of the Rhombs to a postscript file.
postscriptString() - Method in class SimpleRhomb
String representation for Postscript.
project() - Method in class Point
Output 2d Cartesian coordinates.
prototileList() - Static method in class RhombBoundary
Public static factory method.


readEdgeSequenceList(int) - Static method in class FileManager
Read an edge sequence list from a file in ./edges
redrawEditor() - Method in class RhombColorChooser
Redraw the SubstitutionEditor that called this.
remove(Yarn) - Method in class Yarn
Remove a Yarn from the list of Yarns that cross this one.
remove(Join) - Method in class Yarn
Remove a Join from the list of Joins between this Yarn and other Yarns.
removeFirst() - Method in class Yarn
Remove the first Yarn that this one crosses, along with the corresponding Join.
removeLast() - Method in class Yarn
Remove the last Yarn that this one crosses, along with the corresponding Join.
resetButtons() - Method in class RhombDisplay
Clear all the buttons and create new ones from the RhombBoundary in this.
resetRhomb() - Method in class PatchDisplay
Resets the patch to its initial state, before any substitutions had been applied.
Result - Interface in <Unnamed>
Constants that WorkUnits can return.
reverse(int[]) - Static method in class RhombBoundary
Create the reverse of an array of ints.
Rhomb - Interface in <Unnamed>
An interface representing a rhomb in a patch.
RhombBoundary - Class in <Unnamed>
A class representing a patch of rhombic tiles.
RhombBoundary(int[], boolean) - Constructor for class RhombBoundary
Public constructor.
RhombColorChooser - Class in <Unnamed>
A class for changing the colours of prototiles.
RhombColorChooser(SubstitutionEditor) - Constructor for class RhombColorChooser
RhombDisplay - Class in <Unnamed>
A class for drawing and modifying a patch of rhombs.
RhombDisplay(RhombBoundary) - Constructor for class RhombDisplay
Default Constructor.
RhombDisplay(RhombBoundary, double, int, int) - Constructor for class RhombDisplay
Constructor with custom dimensions for the window.
RhombDisplay(RhombBoundary, double) - Constructor for class RhombDisplay
Constructor with custom scale for the SimpleRhombs.
rhombs - Variable in class SimpleHex
The three rhombs in this hex.
rotate(int) - Method in class Point
Rotate this Point about the origin by the given angle.
rotate(int) - Method in class SimpleRhomb
Rotate a SimpleRhomb by the given angle
rules - Variable in class SubstitutionEditorSaveState
A List of patches representing the substituted images of all the supertiles of the saved SubstitutionEditor.
run() - Method in class GeneralThreadService.WorkerThread


save(SubstitutionEditor) - Static method in class SubstitutionEditor
Static method for producing a pop-up prompt to save the given SubstitutionEditor.
SaveAction() - Method in class SubstitutionEditor
Take a screenshot, save it to file.
savePrompt() - Static method in class SubstitutionEditor
Static method for producing a pop-up prompt asking the user if he or she wants to save before proceeding.
saveRhombBoundary(String, RhombBoundary) - Static method in class FileManager
Save a RhombBoundary to the file with the given name.
saveSubstitutionEditor(String, SubstitutionEditorSaveState) - Static method in class FileManager
Save a SubstitutionEditorSaveState to the file with the given name.
SCALE - Static variable in class RhombDisplay
The default scale for drawing SimpleRhombs.
scale - Variable in class RhombDisplay
The scale that is used for drawing SimpleRhombs in this display.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class Join
For serialization.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class Point
For serialization.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class RhombBoundary
For serialization.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class SimpleHex
For serialization.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class SimpleRhomb
For serialization.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class SubstitutionEditorSaveState
For serialization.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class Terminus
For serialization
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class Triple
For serialization.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class Yarn
For serialization.
set(List<Color>) - Static method in class ColourPalette
Set the colour palette to (a deep copy of) the given one.
setAll(List<Color>) - Static method in class ColourPalette
Set the current colour palette.
setEdgeJoins() - Method in class RhombBoundary
Fill the list of all rhombs that have two edges on the boundary.
setEditor(SubstitutionEditor) - Static method in class RhombDisplay
Set the SubstitutionEditor to which all RhombDisplays point.
setJoins() - Method in class RhombBoundary
Set the Joins of all the Yarns.
setN(int) - Static method in class ColourPalette
Change to the default colours for N-fold symmetry.
setN(int) - Static method in class Point
Set the order of symmetry.
setOpposite(Yarn) - Method in class Yarn
Set the Yarn opposite this one.
setScale(double) - Method in class Join
Set the scale for drawing.
setScale(double) - Method in interface Rhomb
Set the scale for drawing.
setScale(double) - Method in class SimpleRhomb
Reset the scale for drawing the Rhomb.
shareEdge(SimpleRhomb) - Method in class SimpleRhomb
Determine if this shares an edge with another SimpleRhomb.
shift(Point) - Method in class Join
Shift the point by a given vector.
shift(Point) - Method in interface Rhomb
Shift the Rhomb by a given vector.
shift(Point) - Method in class SimpleRhomb
Shift the point by a given vector.
shouldCross(Yarn) - Method in class Yarn
A method for use shortly after construction.
SimpleHex - Class in <Unnamed>
This corresponds to a trio of rhombs, all of which share a common point and any two of which share a common edge.
SimpleHex(SimpleRhomb, SimpleRhomb, SimpleRhomb) - Constructor for class SimpleHex
Public constructor.
SimpleRhomb - Class in <Unnamed>
A class representing a rhomb in a patch.
SimpleRhomb(Point, Point, Point, int, int) - Constructor for class SimpleRhomb
Public constructor.
simplify() - Method in class RhombBoundary
Produce a RhombBoundary representing the same data, but with simpler fields.
standardSeed() - Static method in class SubstitutionEditor
Output a standard seed for a substitution: a list consisting of a single big rhomb.
subRhomb() - Method in class PatchDisplay
The default: substitute once.
subRhomb(int) - Method in class PatchDisplay
Substitute n times.
SubstitutionEditor - Class in <Unnamed>
A window containing a number of RhombDisplays equal to (Point.N() - 1)/2, each of which represents the image under a substitution rule of one of the rhombic prototiles.
SubstitutionEditor(List<SimpleRhomb>, List<RhombBoundary>, int[], int) - Constructor for class SubstitutionEditor
Constructor that takes a list of substitution rules as input.
SubstitutionEditor(List<SimpleRhomb>, List<RhombBoundary>, int[]) - Constructor for class SubstitutionEditor
Constructor with default maximum of 2 substitutions.
SubstitutionEditor(List<SimpleRhomb>, int[], int) - Constructor for class SubstitutionEditor
Constructor that takes only the edge sequence and seed as input.
SubstitutionEditorSaveState - Class in <Unnamed>
A class containing all of the essential data for saving a copy of a SubstitutionEditor.
SubstitutionEditorSaveState(List<RhombBoundary>, int[], List<Color>, boolean, boolean, int) - Constructor for class SubstitutionEditorSaveState
substitutionMatrix(int[]) - Static method in class RhombBoundary
Produce a substitution matrix for the set of all rhombic prototiles with the given edge sequence.
supertile(int) - Method in class PatchDisplay
Produce a String representation of the ith proto-supertile, for use in a postscript file.
supertile(Point[], int[]) - Method in class SimpleRhomb
Return a List of Points representing the inflation of this rhomb by the given factor, with edges distorted according to the given edge sequence.
supertilePostscriptString(SimpleRhomb) - Method in class PatchDisplay
String representation of a supertile for Postscript.
supertiles - Static variable in class PatchDisplay
Toggle supertile outlines.
supertiles - Variable in class SubstitutionEditorSaveState
A variable telling us if the PatchDisplay of the SubstitutionEditor was set to draw supertile outlines.
surroundingTriples(Yarn, Yarn, Yarn) - Static method in class Yarn
Assume that y0, y1 and y2 intersect in a triple.
swap(Yarn, Yarn) - Method in class Yarn
Swap the positions of two Yarns that cross this one.
swapAngles(Terminus) - Method in class Terminus
Swap the angles of two Termini.
symmetric() - Method in class Yarn
Determine if this Yarn is its own opposite.
symmetrize() - Method in class Yarn
Call this method when the list of Yarns crossing this one has been partly filled, and likewise for its opposite.


Terminus - Class in <Unnamed>
A class representing the end of a Yarn (which is a pseudoline).
tileNumbers() - Method in class RhombBoundary
Get the number of tiles of each type.
toString() - Method in class GeneralThreadService
toString() - Method in class Join
Basic String representation.
toString() - Method in class MultiSetLinkedList
Output a String representation of the current state of this.
toString() - Method in class Point
Output a String consisting of the coefficients of the Point in a comma-separated list, enclosed in square brackets.
toString() - Method in interface Result
toString() - Method in class RhombBoundary
Output a String.
toString() - Method in class SimpleRhomb
String representation of this.
toString() - Method in class Terminus
Simple toString method
toString() - Method in interface WorkUnit
toString() - Method in class Yarn
A basic String describing this Yarn.
transform(int, Point) - Method in class SimpleRhomb
translate(Point) - Method in class SimpleRhomb
Shift the point by a given vector.
Triple - Class in <Unnamed>
Three Yarns that all intesect each other.
type - Variable in class Join
The congruence class of rhomb.
type - Variable in class SimpleRhomb
The congruence class of rhomb.


update(int) - Method in class PatchDisplay
Goes back to the beginning and substitutes everything again.
updatePatch() - Method in class SubstitutionEditor
Update the PatchDisplay in this.


v1 - Variable in class SimpleRhomb
A vector indicating the first outward-pointing edge from SimpleRhomb.p.
v2 - Variable in class SimpleRhomb
A vector indicating the second outward-pointing edge from SimpleRhomb.p.
valid() - Method in interface Hex
Determine if this represents a hexagon--i.e., if the three Rhombs are still in contact.
valid() - Method in class RhombBoundary
Check for the validity of the crossings.
valid() - Method in class SimpleHex
Determine if this represents a hexagon--i.e., if the three rhombs all touch one another.
valid() - Method in class Triple
Determine if this represents a hexagon--i.e., if the three Yarns still satisfy the adjacency conditions.
valid() - Method in class Yarn
Check for validity of crossings.
vectorString(int[]) - Static method in class RhombBoundary
Represent an integer vector as a String.


WIDTH - Static variable in class Launcher
The width of this window.
WIDTH - Static variable in class SubstitutionEditor
The width of this window.
WIDTH_BUFFER - Static variable in class RhombDisplay
Extra space added at the left and right of a patch when determining the window size.
WORK_UNIT_LENGTH - Static variable in class RhombBoundary
Number of permutations in a WorkUnit.
WorkUnit - Interface in <Unnamed>
A simple interface representing a unit of work that can be done in parallel.


XBUFFER - Static variable in class SubstitutionEditor
The horizontal space between adjacent RhombDisplays.
XMARGE - Static variable in class SubstitutionEditor
The horizontal space between the edge of the window and the displays.


Yarn - Class in <Unnamed>
A class representing a pseudoline.
yarnDump() - Method in class RhombBoundary
Output two lists of lists: the first is a list of pairs of boundary indices, indicating the boundary segments to which each Yarn is connected.
yarnString() - Method in class RhombBoundary
Output the results of RhombBoundary.yarnDump() as a String.
YBUFFER - Static variable in class SubstitutionEditor
The vertical space between the RhombDisplays on top and the PatchDisplay on the bottom.
YMARGE - Static variable in class SubstitutionEditor
The vertical space between the edge of the window and the displays.


ZERO() - Static method in class Point
Get the zero vector.